Getting Started for Ninth Graders
Every ninth grader at HHS will enroll in 8 credits of classes for their ninth grade year. These classes are chosen in the spring of their 8th-grade year.
The school year is split into two semesters, and each student enrolls in 4 credits each semester (4 credits in the fall plus 4 credits in the spring equals 8 total credits for the school year). Additionally, each semester is split into two terms.
The number of credits for a course is determined by the number of Terms that the course lasts: generally, a course earns 0.5 credits for every term. A 1-credit course lasts for two Terms, and a ½-credit course lasts for 1 Term. (Some 1½ - credit AP courses last for 3 Terms, but it is unusual for ninth graders to take AP courses.)
Core Courses
Most 9th graders enroll in certain Core Courses that fulfill graduation requirements or other important roles. Below is a list of the required courses categorized by subject area as well as their associated Academic Level (Additional information regarding Academic Levels can be found under the Introduction tab):
Choose one:
100 English 9 (CP II)
102 English 9 (CP I)
104 English 9 (Honors)
111 Essay Writing will also automatically be placed on all schedules.
Choose one set:
401 Algebra I Part 1 & 403 Algebra I Part 2 (CP II) - 2 credits, 2 semesters
402 Algebra I Part 1 & 403 Algebra I Part 2 (CP I)- 2 credits, 2 semesters
404S1 Algebra I Part 2 & 405S2 Geometry (CP I)- 2 credits, 2 semesters
Algebra 1 Part 2 404H & 410 Geometry Honors - 2 credits, 2 semesters
Science & Technology
Choose one set:
358 Applied Physics (CP II)
312 Biology (CP I)
314 Biology (Honors)
307 Foundations of 21st Century Learning will also automatically be placed on schedules.
Social Studies
Choose one:
207 US History I (CP II)
208 US History I (CP I)
209 US History I (Honors)
071 Wellness 9 will automatically be placed on all schedules.
World Languages
Choose one:
502P French Intermediate 2 (CP I)
526 The Environment and Me (French Immersion, CP I)
537 Principals of Spanish I (CP-2)
541P HS Spanish I Novice (CP I)
549P Spanish II-Intermediate 2 (CP-1)
547P HS Spanish II Novice 2 (CP-1)
551P HS Spanish III Intermediate 1 (CP-1)
Depending on a student's choices of core courses, there may be room in the schedule for elective courses.
Students interested in taking Band or Chorus during DSB will be given the opportunity to register for these courses at the start of the school year and should not count these courses as one of their four elective options.
A full list of all of Holliston High School's elective courses is found in the course catalog. However, some courses are only available for students in grade 10 or higher.