Science & Technology

Curriculum Description

All science courses are designed to meet the National Science Education Standards and the Massachusetts Frameworks for Science and Technology Education as well as to meet the criteria put forth in our own 21st Century Learning Expectations. Coursework in all Science and Technology classes is focused upon the Essential Questions and Enduring Understandings targeted in the UbD curriculum documents for each course and level. The science curriculum is laboratory-oriented and employs an inquiry approach to learning. The goals of the department are to help students gain an understanding of basic principles in science and to offer insight into the means by which scientific knowledge is acquired.

There is a four-credit science requirement for graduation (to include 1 credit during the junior or senior year). The Science Department strongly recommends that students take at least one credit in each of the following subject strands: physics, chemistry and biology. There are alternate pathways that students may choose, but in order to meet the requirements for admission to higher education, students should take at least one course in the standard disciplines. Please refer to the course selection matrix for sciences which follows the course listings.

 The Massachusetts Department of Higher Education Admission Standards for entrance into the Massachusetts State University System has been updated. To be eligible for admission students will need to complete 3 courses (from Natural Science and/or Physical Science) including 3 courses with laboratory work.

Science & Technology Courses