Mathematics & Business
- Curriculum Description
- Academic Characteristics By Level
- Massachusetts State University Requirements
- Mathematics, Advanced Mathematics, & Business Course Offerings
- Mathematics Course Offerings
- Advanced Mathematics Course Offerings
- Business Course Offerings
Curriculum Description
Curriculum Description
The mathematics program is organized to provide the student with the concepts that will enable him/her to meet with success in mathematics and all related areas such as science, programming and business. Mathematics is more than a collection of concepts and skills to be mastered. The goal of each mathematical science course is to develop the student’s abilities to explore, conjecture, and reason logically, as well as the ability to use a variety of mathematical methods effectively to solve non-routine problems.
The main objective of these courses is to enable students to achieve the proficiency levels targeted in The Massachusetts Mathematics and Business Curriculum Frameworks, as well as to meet the criteria put forth in our own 21st Century Learning Expectations. Coursework in all Mathematics and Business classes is focused upon the Essential Questions and Enduring Understandings targeted in the UbD curriculum documents for each course and level.
The course sequence and teacher recommendations help to provide the best possible placement for our students. The department recognizes that there are additional areas to consider when deciding on the proper placement of the individual student; unusual circumstances should be submitted to the Mathematics Department Leader for review.
Academic Characteristics By Level
Academic Characteristics By Level
These are honors level programs with high standards and expectations. Math courses at this level are fast paced and designed for students who are able to learn new concepts with very limited repetition and guidance. Students who are recommended for these courses:
demonstrate strong computational skills with minimal use of a calculator.
demonstrate proficiency with all previous mathematical concepts.
demonstrate mastery of concepts within established time frames.
demonstrate intellectual curiosity.
extrapolate new ideas and solve multi-step problems.
complete all assignments on time and provide detailed work.
complete long-term assignments independently.
College Preparatory I
These are college preparatory courses designed for students who are able to learn new concepts and reach a mathematical understanding of problems presented in class with a minimum of repetition and guidance from their instructor. Students who are recommended for these courses:
demonstrate average computational skills with minimal use of a calculator.
demonstrate increasing proficiency with all previous mathematical concepts.
demonstrate an appropriate academic attitude.
solve multi-step problems with minimal guidance.
complete all assignments on time and provide detailed work.
complete long-term assignments with interim checkpoints.
College Preparatory II
These math courses are designed for students who need more guidance when learning new concepts. Students will receive repetition of topics and skills through classroom practice and homework assignments. Students who are recommended for these courses:
demonstrate a willingness to learn.
need reinforcement with strengthening mathematical skills.
need direct instruction in combination with in-class guided practice.
need additional time to complete long-term assignments and assessments.
need long term projects broken down into manageable components.
Massachusetts State University Requirements
Massachusetts State University Requirements
The Massachusetts Department of Higher Education Admission Standards for entrance into the Massachusetts State University System have been updated. Students will need to complete 4 courses of high school mathematics and 1 course credit must be completed during their senior year.
Based on these minimum requirements students need to complete either:
Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II and 1 full credit beyond Algebra II your senior year
Geometry, Algebra II, and 2 full credits beyond Algebra II (one must be your senior year)
Mathematics, Advanced Mathematics, & Business Course Offerings
- 401 Algebra I - Part 1: College Preparatory II
- 403 Algebra I - Part 2: College Preparatory II
- 402 Algebra I - Part 1: College Preparatory I
- 404 Algebra I - Part 2: College Preparatory I
- 404H Algebra I - Part 2: Honors
- 405 Geometry – Part 1: College Preparatory I
- 407 Geometry – Part 2: College Preparatory I
- 410H Geometry Honors
- 413 Geometry – Part 1: College Preparatory II
- 415 Geometry – Part 2: College Preparatory II
- 412 Algebra II: College Preparatory II
- 414 Algebra II: College Preparatory I
- 416 Algebra II: Honors
- 452 Algebra II & Financial Applications: College Preparatory I
401 Algebra I - Part 1: College Preparatory II
Grades: 9 – 12 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
Students appropriate for this course have received a teacher recommendation.
This course is designed to support the needs of students who benefit from a more supported environment or have foundational gaps in their knowledge base. Algebra Part 1 and 2 focus on four critical areas; (1) Expressions, Equations and Functions, (2) Linear Equations and Inequalities, (3) Graphing Linear Equations and Inequalities and (4) Systems of Equations. Assessments will include tests, quizzes, projects, and technological-based explorations. Scientific Calculator Required.
403 Algebra I - Part 2: College Preparatory II
Grades: 9 – 12 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
Students appropriate for this course have received a teacher recommendation.
This course is designed to support the needs of students who benefit from a more supported environment or have foundational gaps in their knowledge base. Algebra Part 2 is a continuation of Algebra 1 Part 1 with a focus on four critical areas; (1) deepen and extend understanding of linear and exponential relationships; (2) contrast linear and exponential relationships with each other and engage in methods for analyzing, solving, and using quadratic functions; (3) extend the laws of exponents to square and cube roots; (4) apply linear models to data that exhibit a linear trend; and (5) Data Analysis. ("Common Core"). Assessments will include tests, quizzes, projects, and technological-based explorations. Scientific Calculator Required.
402 Algebra I - Part 1: College Preparatory I
Grades: 9 – 12 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
Students appropriate for this course have received a teacher recommendation and have successfully completed 8th grade math.
Algebra Part 1 focuses on four critical areas; (1) Expressions, Equations, and Functions, (2) Linear Equations and Inequalities, (3) Graphing Linear Equations and Inequalities, and (4) Systems of Equations. Assessments will include tests, quizzes, projects, and technological-based explorations. Assessments will include tests, quizzes, projects, and technological-based explorations. Scientific Calculator Required or a TI 84.
404 Algebra I - Part 2: College Preparatory I
Grades: 9 – 12 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
Students appropriate for this course have received a teacher recommendation from HHS or RAMS or a minimum grade of “C” in Algebra I - Part 1 CP 1 (#402).
Algebra Part 2 is a continuation of Algebra 1 Part 1 with a focus on five critical areas; (1) deepen and extend understanding of linear and exponential relationships; (2) contrast linear and exponential relationships with each other and engage in methods for analyzing, solving, and using quadratic functions; (3) extend the laws of exponents to square and cube roots; (4) apply linear models to data that exhibit a linear trend; and (5) Data Analysis. ("Common Core"). Assessments will include tests, quizzes, projects, and technological-based explorations. TI 84 Graphing Calculator Required.
404H Algebra I - Part 2: Honors
Grades: 9 – 12 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
Students appropriate for this course have received a teacher recommendation from HHS or RAMS or a minimum grade of “A” in Algebra I - Part I CP 1 (#402).
This is a much faster paced formal study of part 2 of Algebra I. It is important to understand that Algebra Part 2 Honors requires not only solid mathematical prerequisite skills, but also a strong and consistent work ethic. Mastery of all middle school math topics is necessary for success.
This course is designed for students who are able to learn new concepts with very limited repetition and guidance. Students who enroll in this course should demonstrate intellectual curiosity and be able to extrapolate new ideas and solve multi-step problems.
The focus of the course will include but not be limited to five critical areas: (1) systems of equations and inequalities; (2) exponents and exponential functions; (3) polynomials and factoring; (4) quadratic equations and functions; and (5) data analysis. Assessments will include tests, quizzes, individual projects, and technological based explorations. TI-84 Graphing calculator required.
405 Geometry – Part 1: College Preparatory I
Grades: 9 – 12 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
Students appropriate for this course have received a teacher recommendation or a minimum grade of “C-#404 Algebra Part 2 or #404H-Algebra Part 2 Honors.
Geometry Part 1 and 2 are designed for students to develop an understanding of Euclidean geometry while applying and strengthening algebraic techniques covered in previous courses. The focus of the course will include but not be limited to six critical areas: (1) congruence of triangles based on rigid motions; (2) similarity of triangles based on dilations and proportional reasoning; (3) circumference, area, and volume formulas; (4) Pythagorean Theorem on the coordinate plane; (5) proofs of basic geometric theorems; and (6) probability ("Common Core"). Assessments will include tests, quizzes, projects, and technological based explorations. Scientific calculator required.
407 Geometry – Part 2: College Preparatory I
Grades: 9 – 12 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
Students appropriate for this course have received a teacher recommendation or minimum grade of “C” in #405-Geometry -Part 1.
Geometry Part 1 and 2 are designed for students to develop an understanding of Euclidean geometry while applying and strengthening algebraic techniques covered in previous courses. The focus of the course will include but not be limited to six critical areas: (1) congruence of triangles based on rigid motions; (2) similarity of triangles based on dilations and proportional reasoning; (3) circumference, area, and volume formulas; (4) Pythagorean Theorem on the coordinate plane; (5) proofs of basic geometric theorems; and (6) probability ("Common Core"). Assessments will include tests, quizzes, projects, and technological based explorations. Scientific calculator required.
410H Geometry Honors
Grades: 9 -12 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
Students appropriate for this course have received a teacher recommendation or a minimum grade of “B-” in Algebra I Part 2 (404H) or “A” in Algebra I Part 2 CP1I (404).
This is a much faster paced formal study of Euclidean geometry in which students will be expected to use formal reasoning to justify conclusions about geometry and its relationship to other areas of mathematics. The focus of the course will include but not be limited to six critical areas: (1) congruence of triangles based on rigid motions; (2) similarity of triangles based on dilations and proportional reasoning; (3) circumference, area, and volume formulas; (4) Pythagorean Theorem on the coordinate plane; (5) proofs of geometric theorems; and (6) probability ("Common Core"). Assessments will include tests, quizzes, individual projects, and technological based explorations. TI-84 Graphing calculator required.
413 Geometry – Part 1: College Preparatory II
Grades: 9 – 12 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
Students appropriate for this course have received a teacher recommendation and successful completion of Algebra 1 Part 2.
This course is designed to support the needs of students who benefit from a more supported environment or have foundational gaps in their knowledge base. Geometry Part 1 and 2 are designed for students to develop an understanding of Euclidean geometry while applying and strengthening algebraic techniques covered in previous courses. The focus of the course will include but not be limited to six critical areas: (1) congruence of triangles based on rigid motions; (2) similarity of triangles based on dilations and proportional reasoning; (3) circumference, area, and volume formulas; (4) Pythagorean Theorem on the coordinate plane; (5) proofs of basic geometric theorems; and (6) probability ("Common Core"). Assessments will include tests, quizzes, projects, and technological based explorations. Scientific calculator required.
415 Geometry – Part 2: College Preparatory II
Grades: 9 – 12 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
Students appropriate for this course have received a teacher recommendation and successful completion of #413-Geometry -Part 1.
This course is designed to support the needs of students who benefit from a more supported environment or have foundational gaps in their knowledge base. Geometry Part 1 and 2 are designed for students to develop an understanding of Euclidean geometry while applying and strengthening algebraic techniques covered in previous courses. The focus of the course will include but not be limited to six critical areas: (1) congruence of triangles based on rigid motions; (2) similarity of triangles based on dilations and proportional reasoning; (3) circumference, area, and volume formulas; (4) Pythagorean Theorem on the coordinate plane; (5) proofs of basic geometric theorems; and (6) probability ("Common Core"). Assessments will include tests, quizzes, projects, and technological-based explorations. Scientific calculator required.
412 Algebra II: College Preparatory II
Grades: 10 -12 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
Students appropriate for this course have received a teacher recommendation and successful completion of #407-Geometry Part 2: College Preparatory II.
This course is designed to support the needs of students who benefit from a more supported environment or have foundational gaps in their knowledge base. This course is intended to help students enrich their skills and develop more concepts beyond Algebra I. This course is designed to help students apply the mathematics they learned in the classroom to real-world situations, model mathematical situations, communicate mathematically, and use technology appropriately. Students will study real numbers, operations, and patterns as they extend their understanding of algebraic concepts. They will work with polynomial and exponential functions. TI-84 Graphing calculator required.
414 Algebra II: College Preparatory I
Grades: 10-12 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
Students appropriate for this course have received a teacher recommendation or a minimum grade of “C-” in #410-Geometry: Honors or “C-in #408-Geometry: College Preparatory I and a minimum grade a “C-" in #404-Algebra 1 -Part 2 College Preparatory I .
This course is intended to help students enrich their skills and develop more concepts beyond Algebra I as they prepare for higher-level mathematic courses. This course is designed to help students apply the mathematics they learned in the classroom to real-world situations, model mathematical situations, communicate mathematically, and use technology appropriately. Students will study real numbers, operations, and patterns as they extend their understanding of algebraic concepts. They will work with polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions, transformations, mathematical models, and statistics. Assessments will include tests, quizzes, projects, and technological-based explorations. TI-84 Graphing calculator required.
416 Algebra II: Honors
Grades: 10 - 12 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
Students appropriate for this course have received a teacher recommendation or a minimum grade of “C” in #411-Geometry Honors, or an ”A” in #407-Geometry- Part 2 College Preparatory I and a minimum grade a “A” in #404-Algebra 1 -Part 2 College Preparatory I.
This is a much faster-paced course than Algebra II CP I. This course is designed to help students apply the mathematics they learned in the classroom to real-world situations, model mathematical situations, communicate mathematically, and use technology appropriately. Students will study real numbers, operations, and patterns as they extend their understanding of algebraic concepts. The course is rigorous and intense and will include but not be limited to the following: polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions, transformations, mathematical models, and statistics. Students will study real numbers, operations, and patterns as they extend their understanding of algebraic concepts. Assessments will include tests, quizzes, projects, and technological-based explorations. TI-84 Graphing calculator required.
452 Algebra II & Financial Applications: College Preparatory I
Grades: 10 - 12 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
Students appropriate for this course have received a teacher recommendation or a minimum grade of “C-” in Geometry Part 2 College Preparatory I.
This course is designed as a mathematics course alternative to Algebra II and is designed to support the needs of students who benefit from a more supported environment or have foundational gaps in their knowledge base. The course will incorporate Algebra II concepts with practical business and personal finance applications. The curriculum will focus on the same big ideas as Algebra II with reduced depth and complexity as College Preparatory. Students will demonstrate their understanding of the curriculum taught with the support of their TI84 graphing calculators. TI-84 Graphing calculator required.
Advanced Mathematics
- 421 Function, Statistics and Trigonometry: College Preparatory I
- 426 Pre-Calculus: College Preparatory I
- 428 Pre-Calculus: Honors
- 431 Calculus: Honors
- 436 AP® Calculus AB
- 438 AP® Calculus BC
- 432 Probability & Statistics: College Preparatory I
- 434 AP® Statistics
- 440 Personal Finance: College Preparatory I
- 441 Building & Protecting Wealth: College Preparatory I
- 454 AP Computer Science Principles **CSE Elective
- 634 Data Science *CSE Elective & GCP Elective
421 Function, Statistics and Trigonometry: College Preparatory I
Grades: 11 -12 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
Students appropriate for this course have received a teacher recommendation or a minimum grade of “C-” in Algebra II or “C-” in Algebra II & Financial Applications.
This course is designed as a mathematics course alternative to Precalculus. Through this course, students are encouraged to continue their study of mathematical ideas in the context of real-world problems and decision-making through the analysis of information, modeling change, and mathematical relationships. This course is designed to follow Algebra II with an emphasis on the Advanced Quantitative Reasoning course standards. TI-84 Graphing calculator required.
426 Pre-Calculus: College Preparatory I
Grades: 11– 12 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
Students appropriate for this course have received a teacher recommendation or a minimum grade of a “B-“ in Algebra II Honors or College Preparatory I
Pre-Calculus is an advanced mathematics course that blends the concepts and problem solving skills that must be mastered before enrollment in a college-level calculus course. This includes an in-depth study of trigonometry and functions; including the study of quadratic, exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions. Within each function class characteristics of the functions are emphasized including the basic form and graph, and application. The class will include the study of Discrete Mathematics topics of uniform, binomial, and normal probability distributions. An introduction to the Calculus topics of limits and derivatives as a rate of change may be explored if time permits. Graphing calculators are required, although some topics may be explored and assessed where use of the calculator is prohibited to encourage analytical thinking. TI-84 Graphing calculators required.
428 Pre-Calculus: Honors
Grades: 10 – 12 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
Students appropriate for this course have received a teacher recommendation or a minimum grade of “B-” Algebra II Honors.
Pre-Calculus is an advanced mathematics course that blends the concepts and skills that must be mastered before enrollment in a college-level calculus course. This course is designed for highly motivated students with consistent achievement and work habits in prior mathematics courses. The course will be more rigorous and intense and will consist of all topics included in #426 – Pre-calculus: College Preparatory and Calculus topics of limits and derivatives as a rate of change. TI84 Graphing calculators required.
431 Calculus: Honors
Grades: 11-12 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
Students appropriate for this course have received a teacher recommendation or a minimum grade of “B” in Pre-Calculus: Honors or “A” in Pre-Calculus: College Preparatory I.
Calculus is a non-Advanced Placement course. Since this is an advanced mathematics course, students must be completely familiar with the properties of functions, the algebra of functions, and the graphs of functions. Students must also understand the language of functions (domain and range, odd and even, periodic, symmetry, zeros, intercepts, and so on) and they must also know the values of the trigonometric functions of numbers such as 0, p/2, p/3, p/4, and p/6. Students will study limits, the derivative, and applications of derivatives. Students will be introduced to the concept of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus as it relates to the anti-derivative, the integral and area under the curve. TI84 Graphing calculator Required.
436 AP® Calculus AB
Grades: 11 – 12 | Three terms | Credits: 1½
Students appropriate for this course have received a teacher recommendation or a minimum grade of “B-” in Pre-Calculus: Honors or “A-” in Pre-Calculus: College Preparatory I .
Before studying AP® Calculus, students must be completely familiar with the properties of functions, the algebra of functions, and the graphs of functions. Students must also understand the language of functions (domain and range, odd and even, periodic, symmetry, zeros, intercepts, and so on) and they must also know the values of the trigonometric functions of numbers such as 0, p/2, p/3, p/4, and p/6. The AP® Calculus course is designed to meet the criteria established by the College Entrance Examination Board; with the understanding that students will be fully prepared for the AP® Exam in Calculus AB. Emphasis will be placed on a study of functions, limits, differential calculus, integral calculus, and transcendental functions. Graphing calculators are required, although some topics may be explored and assessed where use of the calculator is prohibited to encourage analytic thinking. TI84 Graphing calculator Required.
438 AP® Calculus BC
Grades: 11 – 12 | Three Term Block | Credits: 1½
Students appropriate for this course have received a teacher recommendation or a minimum grade of “B-” in Pre-Calculus: Honors
Before studying AP® Calculus, students must be completely familiar with the properties of functions, the algebra of functions, and the graphs of functions (including polar and parametric). Students must also understand the language of functions (domain and range, odd and even, periodic, symmetry, zeros, intercepts, and so on) and they must also know the values of the trigonometric functions of numbers such as 0, p/2, p/3, p/4, and p/6. The AP® Calculus course is designed to meet the criteria established by the College Entrance Examination Board; with the understanding that students will be fully prepared for the AP® Exam in Calculus BC. Emphasis will be placed on a study of functions, limits, differential calculus, integral calculus, transcendental functions, and series. Graphing calculators are required, although some topics may be explored and assessed where use of the calculator is prohibited to encourage analytic thinking. TI84 Graphing calculator Required.
432 Probability & Statistics: College Preparatory I
Grades: 11-12 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
Students appropriate for this course have received a teacher recommendation or a minimum grade of “C" in Algebra II Honors or College Preparatory 1.
In this course students will collect and analyze raw data and reach conclusions based on statistical analysis. Topics include mean, median, mode, standard deviation, normal curve, correlation, distributions, sampling, hypothesis testing and applications. A graphing calculator is required for this course. TI84 Graphing calculator Required.
434 AP® Statistics
Grades: 11 – 12 | Three Term Block | Credits: 1½
Students appropriate for this course have received a teacher recommendation or a minimum grade of “C+” in Pre-Calculus: Honors or an “A” in Algebra II College Preparatory or “B” in Algebra II Honors.
This course is intended to prepare students for the AP® Examination in Statistics (this is a non-calculus approach to the subject). Some of the topics will include: normal distributions, data transformation, central limit theorem, statistical inference, confidence interval, testing a hypothesis about the mean, analysis of variance, and chi-square analysis. Graphing calculators are required, although some topics may be explored and assessed where use of the calculator is prohibited to encourage analytic thinking. TI84 Graphing calculator Required.
440 Personal Finance: College Preparatory I
Grades: 10 -12 | Term Block | Credits: ½
Students appropriate for this course have successful completion of Algebra I Part 1 and Part 2 and Geometry Part 1 and Part 2.
Personal Finance describes the principles and methods that individuals use to manage income and financial obligations. Personal finance reflects the growing need for 21st-century citizens to be financially knowledgeable, particularly in light of the increasing number of financial choices they face. It includes the application of knowledge and skills used to make financial decisions on many topic including but not limited to budgeting, income taxes, banking, investing, and student and consumer loans.
441 Building & Protecting Wealth: College Preparatory I
Grades: 11 -12 | Term Block | Credits: ½
Students appropriate for this course have successful completion of Algebra I Part 1 and Part 2 and Geometry Part 1 and Part 2.
Financial Literacy is the ability to use knowledge and skills to manage one's financial resources effectively for lifetime financial security. This course will prepare students for the choices and challenges of today's financial markets. A better understanding of financial literacy will help students advance by making more informed monetary decisions and realizing a greater potential for personal wealth. This is a project based class that will focus on money management, credit, investing, real estate, consumer protection, and risk management. Scientific calculators are required.
454 AP Computer Science Principles **CSE Elective
Grades: 10 - 12 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
Students appropriate for this course have received a teacher recommendation or a minimum grade of “B-” in Algebra II Honors or “B+” in Algebra II: College Preparatory I .
AP Computer Science Principles provides an introduction to programming and the basic principles that underlie the field of computer science. The programming portion of the course focuses on algorithms, abstraction, and the logic behind programming languages The principles portion of the course focuses on how computers and the internetwork and how technological advances are affecting society, culture, and the economy. The AP test consists of a multiple-choice exam as well as a portfolio component. For the portfolio tasks, students design their own program and research and report on the benefits and potential drawbacks of a new technological advance.
The course closely follows the curriculum set by the College Board.
This course counts as partial fulfillment of the HHS Computer Science Endorsement.
634 Data Science *CSE Elective & GCP Elective
Grades: 10 - 12 | Term | Credits: 1/2
This course equips students with the essential skills of a data scientist which include data collection, cleanup, transformation, analysis, and visualization. Students will develop algorithms, tell data stories, and build statistical models using Python libraries. They will learn and apply Python programming tools used in industry by data scientists to draw meaningful insights and solve organizational problems. Students will be given opportunities to explore data in their own areas of interest, such as climate change, sports, finance, social media, health and wellness to name a few. Students will publicly present their work in a variety of formats.
This course counts as partial fulfillment of the HHS Computer Science Endorsement.
*This course counts as partial fulfillment of the HHS Global Citizens Program
*The following course contains opportunities for passport activities and, on an individual basis, MAY qualify for course credit toward GCP requirements. This will depend on content chosen by student within the course AND pre-approval from course teacher and Mrs. Mills
- 457 Hospitality and Tourism
- 610 Introduction to Business: College Preparatory I
- 613 Business Innovations *GCP Elective
- 614 Accounting: College Preparatory I
- 621 Entrepreneurship and Marketing: College Preparatory
- 624 AP® Microeconomics**GCP Elective
457 Hospitality and Tourism
Grades: 11 - 12 / Semester Block / Credits: 1
This course invites students to share unique enthusiasm & passion around the Hospitality & Tourism Industry. This class will prepare students to advance their interest in a hospitality career by offering a foundation of knowledge, array of careers available within the industry and strategies around operations management. This class also helps prepare any students interested in participating in our DECA program within this specific category. Course content will include a day in the life, corporate profiles, current Issues, case studies and a capstone community based design thinking project. There are no prerequisites for this course.
610 Introduction to Business: College Preparatory I
Grades: 10 -12 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
A great overture to the corporate world -Students explore the many facets of business while preparing for future opportunities. This course combines strong content with interactive business technology to keep student interest and support active learning. Topics include: advertising, the stock market, economics, consumerism, management, sales and marketing, finance, credit, risk management, and more. Strong emphasis is placed on instilling social responsibility and business ethics into each learning activity.
613 Business Innovations *GCP Elective
Grades: 11 - 12 | Term Block | Credits: ½
In this class, students will have an opportunity to have a voice and choice when it comes to their learning using design thinking concepts. They will learn in-depth how design thinking directly relates to the business world and will work on several different projects to effectively execute the DT process. Students will learn the value of prototyping and testing out ideas in order to provide solutions to proposed community and global problems. All projects will be grounded in research, critical thinking, problem-solving, and presenting. Concepts will be driven by real-world issues, collaboration, curiosity, and fun. This will be a hands-on project, driven class.
*This course counts as partial fulfillment of the HHS Global Citizens Program
*The following course contains opportunities for passport activities and, on an individual basis, MAY qualify for course credit toward GCP requirements. This will depend on content chosen by student within the course AND pre-approval from course teacher and Mrs. Mills
614 Accounting: College Preparatory I
Grades: 10 -12 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
Accounting is literally the language of Business and the elective of choice even for students who might not pursue accounting or finance. Students get a big head start on financial accounting, which is a requirement for all business majors. Students will learn the accounting cycle through techniques such as the development of the double-entry accounting system covering a complete accounting cycle and investigation of the techniques involved in preparation and interpreting financial reports. Current automated accounting software will be integrated with each concept. Students should be able to understand logical process and work independently on short and long-term projects.
This course satisfies a Mathematics elective requirement.
621 Entrepreneurship and Marketing: College Preparatory
Grades: 11 -12 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
Generate wealth, start your own business and be your own boss. This class combines a variety of skills needed to establish and operate a successful business for profit or non-profit. Emphasis is placed on opportunity recognition and the functions of marketing, product planning, financing, risk management and promotion. Entrepreneurship will guide students through the process of creating and implementing a successful business plan. Students will develop an enterprise and use the skills needed to effectively create, develop, organize, and manage their own business ventures.
624 AP® Microeconomics**GCP Elective
Grades: 10 – 12 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
Economics is the foundation that impacts the success of business and the consumer. The Advanced Placement Microeconomics course is designed to meet the criteria established by the College Entrance Examination Board; with the understanding that students will be fully prepared for the Advanced Placement Exam. Emphasis will be placed on the nature and functions of product markets and includes the study of factor markets and of the role of government in promoting greater efficiency and equity in the economy.
*This course counts as partial fulfillment of the HHS Global Citizens Program
Mathematics Course Offerings
- 401 Algebra I - Part 1: College Preparatory II
- 403 Algebra I - Part 2: College Preparatory II
- 402 Algebra I - Part 1: College Preparatory I
- 404 Algebra I - Part 2: College Preparatory I
- 404H Algebra I - Part 2: Honors
- 405 Geometry – Part 1: College Preparatory I
- 407 Geometry – Part 2: College Preparatory I
- 410H Geometry Honors
- 413 Geometry – Part 1: College Preparatory II
- 415 Geometry – Part 2: College Preparatory II
- 412 Algebra II: College Preparatory II
- 414 Algebra II: College Preparatory I
- 416 Algebra II: Honors
- 452 Algebra II & Financial Applications: College Preparatory I
401 Algebra I - Part 1: College Preparatory II
Grades: 9 – 12 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
Students appropriate for this course have received a teacher recommendation.
This course is designed to support the needs of students who benefit from a more supported environment or have foundational gaps in their knowledge base. Algebra Part 1 and 2 focus on four critical areas; (1) Expressions, Equations and Functions, (2) Linear Equations and Inequalities, (3) Graphing Linear Equations and Inequalities and (4) Systems of Equations. Assessments will include tests, quizzes, projects, and technological-based explorations. Scientific Calculator Required.
403 Algebra I - Part 2: College Preparatory II
Grades: 9 – 12 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
Students appropriate for this course have received a teacher recommendation.
This course is designed to support the needs of students who benefit from a more supported environment or have foundational gaps in their knowledge base. Algebra Part 2 is a continuation of Algebra 1 Part 1 with a focus on four critical areas; (1) deepen and extend understanding of linear and exponential relationships; (2) contrast linear and exponential relationships with each other and engage in methods for analyzing, solving, and using quadratic functions; (3) extend the laws of exponents to square and cube roots; (4) apply linear models to data that exhibit a linear trend; and (5) Data Analysis. ("Common Core"). Assessments will include tests, quizzes, projects, and technological-based explorations. Scientific Calculator Required.
402 Algebra I - Part 1: College Preparatory I
Grades: 9 – 12 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
Students appropriate for this course have received a teacher recommendation and have successfully completed 8th grade math.
Algebra Part 1 focuses on four critical areas; (1) Expressions, Equations, and Functions, (2) Linear Equations and Inequalities, (3) Graphing Linear Equations and Inequalities, and (4) Systems of Equations. Assessments will include tests, quizzes, projects, and technological-based explorations. Assessments will include tests, quizzes, projects, and technological-based explorations. Scientific Calculator Required or a TI 84.
404 Algebra I - Part 2: College Preparatory I
Grades: 9 – 12 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
Students appropriate for this course have received a teacher recommendation from HHS or RAMS or a minimum grade of “C” in Algebra I - Part 1 CP 1 (#402).
Algebra Part 2 is a continuation of Algebra 1 Part 1 with a focus on five critical areas; (1) deepen and extend understanding of linear and exponential relationships; (2) contrast linear and exponential relationships with each other and engage in methods for analyzing, solving, and using quadratic functions; (3) extend the laws of exponents to square and cube roots; (4) apply linear models to data that exhibit a linear trend; and (5) Data Analysis. ("Common Core"). Assessments will include tests, quizzes, projects, and technological-based explorations. TI 84 Graphing Calculator Required.
404H Algebra I - Part 2: Honors
Grades: 9 – 12 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
Students appropriate for this course have received a teacher recommendation from HHS or RAMS or a minimum grade of “A” in Algebra I - Part I CP 1 (#402).
This is a much faster paced formal study of part 2 of Algebra I. It is important to understand that Algebra Part 2 Honors requires not only solid mathematical prerequisite skills, but also a strong and consistent work ethic. Mastery of all middle school math topics is necessary for success.
This course is designed for students who are able to learn new concepts with very limited repetition and guidance. Students who enroll in this course should demonstrate intellectual curiosity and be able to extrapolate new ideas and solve multi-step problems.
The focus of the course will include but not be limited to five critical areas: (1) systems of equations and inequalities; (2) exponents and exponential functions; (3) polynomials and factoring; (4) quadratic equations and functions; and (5) data analysis. Assessments will include tests, quizzes, individual projects, and technological based explorations. TI-84 Graphing calculator required.
405 Geometry – Part 1: College Preparatory I
Grades: 9 – 12 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
Students appropriate for this course have received a teacher recommendation or a minimum grade of “C-#404 Algebra Part 2 or #404H-Algebra Part 2 Honors.
Geometry Part 1 and 2 are designed for students to develop an understanding of Euclidean geometry while applying and strengthening algebraic techniques covered in previous courses. The focus of the course will include but not be limited to six critical areas: (1) congruence of triangles based on rigid motions; (2) similarity of triangles based on dilations and proportional reasoning; (3) circumference, area, and volume formulas; (4) Pythagorean Theorem on the coordinate plane; (5) proofs of basic geometric theorems; and (6) probability ("Common Core"). Assessments will include tests, quizzes, projects, and technological based explorations. Scientific calculator required.
407 Geometry – Part 2: College Preparatory I
Grades: 9 – 12 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
Students appropriate for this course have received a teacher recommendation or minimum grade of “C” in #405-Geometry -Part 1.
Geometry Part 1 and 2 are designed for students to develop an understanding of Euclidean geometry while applying and strengthening algebraic techniques covered in previous courses. The focus of the course will include but not be limited to six critical areas: (1) congruence of triangles based on rigid motions; (2) similarity of triangles based on dilations and proportional reasoning; (3) circumference, area, and volume formulas; (4) Pythagorean Theorem on the coordinate plane; (5) proofs of basic geometric theorems; and (6) probability ("Common Core"). Assessments will include tests, quizzes, projects, and technological based explorations. Scientific calculator required.
410H Geometry Honors
Grades: 9 -12 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
Students appropriate for this course have received a teacher recommendation or a minimum grade of “B-” in Algebra I Part 2 (404H) or “A” in Algebra I Part 2 CP1I (404).
This is a much faster paced formal study of Euclidean geometry in which students will be expected to use formal reasoning to justify conclusions about geometry and its relationship to other areas of mathematics. The focus of the course will include but not be limited to six critical areas: (1) congruence of triangles based on rigid motions; (2) similarity of triangles based on dilations and proportional reasoning; (3) circumference, area, and volume formulas; (4) Pythagorean Theorem on the coordinate plane; (5) proofs of geometric theorems; and (6) probability ("Common Core"). Assessments will include tests, quizzes, individual projects, and technological based explorations. TI-84 Graphing calculator required.
413 Geometry – Part 1: College Preparatory II
Grades: 9 – 12 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
Students appropriate for this course have received a teacher recommendation and successful completion of Algebra 1 Part 2.
This course is designed to support the needs of students who benefit from a more supported environment or have foundational gaps in their knowledge base. Geometry Part 1 and 2 are designed for students to develop an understanding of Euclidean geometry while applying and strengthening algebraic techniques covered in previous courses. The focus of the course will include but not be limited to six critical areas: (1) congruence of triangles based on rigid motions; (2) similarity of triangles based on dilations and proportional reasoning; (3) circumference, area, and volume formulas; (4) Pythagorean Theorem on the coordinate plane; (5) proofs of basic geometric theorems; and (6) probability ("Common Core"). Assessments will include tests, quizzes, projects, and technological based explorations. Scientific calculator required.
415 Geometry – Part 2: College Preparatory II
Grades: 9 – 12 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
Students appropriate for this course have received a teacher recommendation and successful completion of #413-Geometry -Part 1.
This course is designed to support the needs of students who benefit from a more supported environment or have foundational gaps in their knowledge base. Geometry Part 1 and 2 are designed for students to develop an understanding of Euclidean geometry while applying and strengthening algebraic techniques covered in previous courses. The focus of the course will include but not be limited to six critical areas: (1) congruence of triangles based on rigid motions; (2) similarity of triangles based on dilations and proportional reasoning; (3) circumference, area, and volume formulas; (4) Pythagorean Theorem on the coordinate plane; (5) proofs of basic geometric theorems; and (6) probability ("Common Core"). Assessments will include tests, quizzes, projects, and technological-based explorations. Scientific calculator required.
412 Algebra II: College Preparatory II
Grades: 10 -12 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
Students appropriate for this course have received a teacher recommendation and successful completion of #407-Geometry Part 2: College Preparatory II.
This course is designed to support the needs of students who benefit from a more supported environment or have foundational gaps in their knowledge base. This course is intended to help students enrich their skills and develop more concepts beyond Algebra I. This course is designed to help students apply the mathematics they learned in the classroom to real-world situations, model mathematical situations, communicate mathematically, and use technology appropriately. Students will study real numbers, operations, and patterns as they extend their understanding of algebraic concepts. They will work with polynomial and exponential functions. TI-84 Graphing calculator required.
414 Algebra II: College Preparatory I
Grades: 10-12 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
Students appropriate for this course have received a teacher recommendation or a minimum grade of “C-” in #410-Geometry: Honors or “C-in #408-Geometry: College Preparatory I and a minimum grade a “C-" in #404-Algebra 1 -Part 2 College Preparatory I .
This course is intended to help students enrich their skills and develop more concepts beyond Algebra I as they prepare for higher-level mathematic courses. This course is designed to help students apply the mathematics they learned in the classroom to real-world situations, model mathematical situations, communicate mathematically, and use technology appropriately. Students will study real numbers, operations, and patterns as they extend their understanding of algebraic concepts. They will work with polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions, transformations, mathematical models, and statistics. Assessments will include tests, quizzes, projects, and technological-based explorations. TI-84 Graphing calculator required.
416 Algebra II: Honors
Grades: 10 - 12 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
Students appropriate for this course have received a teacher recommendation or a minimum grade of “C” in #411-Geometry Honors, or an ”A” in #407-Geometry- Part 2 College Preparatory I and a minimum grade a “A” in #404-Algebra 1 -Part 2 College Preparatory I.
This is a much faster-paced course than Algebra II CP I. This course is designed to help students apply the mathematics they learned in the classroom to real-world situations, model mathematical situations, communicate mathematically, and use technology appropriately. Students will study real numbers, operations, and patterns as they extend their understanding of algebraic concepts. The course is rigorous and intense and will include but not be limited to the following: polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions, transformations, mathematical models, and statistics. Students will study real numbers, operations, and patterns as they extend their understanding of algebraic concepts. Assessments will include tests, quizzes, projects, and technological-based explorations. TI-84 Graphing calculator required.
452 Algebra II & Financial Applications: College Preparatory I
Grades: 10 - 12 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
Students appropriate for this course have received a teacher recommendation or a minimum grade of “C-” in Geometry Part 2 College Preparatory I.
This course is designed as a mathematics course alternative to Algebra II and is designed to support the needs of students who benefit from a more supported environment or have foundational gaps in their knowledge base. The course will incorporate Algebra II concepts with practical business and personal finance applications. The curriculum will focus on the same big ideas as Algebra II with reduced depth and complexity as College Preparatory. Students will demonstrate their understanding of the curriculum taught with the support of their TI84 graphing calculators. TI-84 Graphing calculator required.
Advanced Mathematics Course Offerings
Advanced Mathematics
- 421 Function, Statistics and Trigonometry: College Preparatory I
- 426 Pre-Calculus: College Preparatory I
- 428 Pre-Calculus: Honors
- 431 Calculus: Honors
- 436 AP® Calculus AB
- 438 AP® Calculus BC
- 432 Probability & Statistics: College Preparatory I
- 434 AP® Statistics
- 433 Math Modeling and Analysis: College Preparatory I
- 435 Math Modeling and Analysis: Honors
- 440 Personal Finance: College Preparatory I
- 441 Building & Protecting Wealth: College Preparatory I
- 456/456H Math in the Media: College Preparatory I or Honors
- 634 Data Science **CSE Elective & GCP Elective
421 Function, Statistics and Trigonometry: College Preparatory I
Grades: 11 -12 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
Students appropriate for this course have received a teacher recommendation or a minimum grade of “C-” in Algebra II or “C-” in Algebra II & Financial Applications.
This course is designed as a mathematics course alternative to Precalculus. Through this course, students are encouraged to continue their study of mathematical ideas in the context of real-world problems and decision-making through the analysis of information, modeling change, and mathematical relationships. This course is designed to follow Algebra II with an emphasis on the Advanced Quantitative Reasoning course standards. TI-84 Graphing calculator required.
426 Pre-Calculus: College Preparatory I
Grades: 11– 12 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
Students appropriate for this course have received a teacher recommendation or a minimum grade of a “B-“ in Algebra II Honors or College Preparatory I
Pre-Calculus is an advanced mathematics course that blends the concepts and problem solving skills that must be mastered before enrollment in a college-level calculus course. This includes an in-depth study of trigonometry and functions; including the study of quadratic, exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions. Within each function class characteristics of the functions are emphasized including the basic form and graph, and application. The class will include the study of Discrete Mathematics topics of uniform, binomial, and normal probability distributions. An introduction to the Calculus topics of limits and derivatives as a rate of change may be explored if time permits. Graphing calculators are required, although some topics may be explored and assessed where use of the calculator is prohibited to encourage analytical thinking. TI-84 Graphing calculators required.
428 Pre-Calculus: Honors
Grades: 10 – 12 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
Students appropriate for this course have received a teacher recommendation or a minimum grade of “B-” Algebra II Honors.
Pre-Calculus is an advanced mathematics course that blends the concepts and skills that must be mastered before enrollment in a college-level calculus course. This course is designed for highly motivated students with consistent achievement and work habits in prior mathematics courses. The course will be more rigorous and intense and will consist of all topics included in #426 – Pre-calculus: College Preparatory and Calculus topics of limits and derivatives as a rate of change. TI84 Graphing calculators required.
431 Calculus: Honors
Grades: 11-12 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
Students appropriate for this course have received a teacher recommendation or a minimum grade of “B” in Pre-Calculus: Honors or “A” in Pre-Calculus: College Preparatory I.
Calculus is a non-Advanced Placement course. Since this is an advanced mathematics course, students must be completely familiar with the properties of functions, the algebra of functions, and the graphs of functions. Students must also understand the language of functions (domain and range, odd and even, periodic, symmetry, zeros, intercepts, and so on) and they must also know the values of the trigonometric functions of numbers such as 0, p/2, p/3, p/4, and p/6. Students will study limits, the derivative, and applications of derivatives. Students will be introduced to the concept of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus as it relates to the anti-derivative, the integral and area under the curve. TI84 Graphing calculator Required.
436 AP® Calculus AB
Grades: 11 – 12 | Three terms | Credits: 1½
Students appropriate for this course have received a teacher recommendation or a minimum grade of “B-” in Pre-Calculus: Honors or “A-” in Pre-Calculus: College Preparatory I .
Before studying AP® Calculus, students must be completely familiar with the properties of functions, the algebra of functions, and the graphs of functions. Students must also understand the language of functions (domain and range, odd and even, periodic, symmetry, zeros, intercepts, and so on) and they must also know the values of the trigonometric functions of numbers such as 0, p/2, p/3, p/4, and p/6. The AP® Calculus course is designed to meet the criteria established by the College Entrance Examination Board; with the understanding that students will be fully prepared for the AP® Exam in Calculus AB. Emphasis will be placed on a study of functions, limits, differential calculus, integral calculus, and transcendental functions. Graphing calculators are required, although some topics may be explored and assessed where use of the calculator is prohibited to encourage analytic thinking. TI84 Graphing calculator Required.
438 AP® Calculus BC
Grades: 11 – 12 | Three Term Block | Credits: 1½
Students appropriate for this course have received a teacher recommendation or a minimum grade of “B-” in Pre-Calculus: Honors
Before studying AP® Calculus, students must be completely familiar with the properties of functions, the algebra of functions, and the graphs of functions (including polar and parametric). Students must also understand the language of functions (domain and range, odd and even, periodic, symmetry, zeros, intercepts, and so on) and they must also know the values of the trigonometric functions of numbers such as 0, p/2, p/3, p/4, and p/6. The AP® Calculus course is designed to meet the criteria established by the College Entrance Examination Board; with the understanding that students will be fully prepared for the AP® Exam in Calculus BC. Emphasis will be placed on a study of functions, limits, differential calculus, integral calculus, transcendental functions, and series. Graphing calculators are required, although some topics may be explored and assessed where use of the calculator is prohibited to encourage analytic thinking. TI84 Graphing calculator Required.
432 Probability & Statistics: College Preparatory I
Grades: 11-12 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
Students appropriate for this course have received a teacher recommendation or a minimum grade of “C" in Algebra II Honors or College Preparatory 1.
In this course students will collect and analyze raw data and reach conclusions based on statistical analysis. Topics include mean, median, mode, standard deviation, normal curve, correlation, distributions, sampling, hypothesis testing and applications. A graphing calculator is required for this course. TI84 Graphing calculator Required.
434 AP® Statistics
Grades: 11 – 12 | Three Term Block | Credits: 1½
Students appropriate for this course have received a teacher recommendation or a minimum grade of “C+” in Pre-Calculus: Honors or an “A” in Algebra II College Preparatory or “B” in Algebra II Honors.
This course is intended to prepare students for the AP® Examination in Statistics (this is a non-calculus approach to the subject). Some of the topics will include: normal distributions, data transformation, central limit theorem, statistical inference, confidence interval, testing a hypothesis about the mean, analysis of variance, and chi-square analysis. Graphing calculators are required, although some topics may be explored and assessed where use of the calculator is prohibited to encourage analytic thinking. TI84 Graphing calculator Required.
433 Math Modeling and Analysis: College Preparatory I
Grades: 11 – 12 | Term Block | Credits: ½
Students appropriate for this course have received a teacher recommendation or a minimum grade of “C” in Algebra 2
This course is designed to afford students the opportunity to experience and understand how mathematics works in their surroundings. Students will learn how to use mathematical models to analyze, clarify, and solve real world problems. The course will help students develop logical, creative thinking skills and become more confident in their math ability. A project-based curriculum includes some projects such as designing tiny homes and modeling phenomena such as CO2 emissions, energy use, college debt, and financial markets. TI-84 Graphing calculators required.
435 Math Modeling and Analysis: Honors
Grades: 11 – 12 | Term Block | Credits: ½
Students appropriate for this course have received a teacher recommendation or a minimum grade of “C+” in Algebra 2 Honors or “A” in Algebra 2: College Preparatory I. Note: Algebra 2 CP II should not be used as a prerequisite for this course.
Students are expected to have a deep understanding of the mathematical concepts necessary to understand how mathematics works in their surroundings. This course is designed to afford students the opportunity to experience and understand how mathematics works in their surroundings. Students will learn how to use mathematical models to analyze, clarify, and solve real world problems. The course will help students develop logical, creative thinking skills and become more confident in their math ability. A project-based curriculum includes some projects such as designing tiny homes and modeling phenomena such as CO2 emissions, energy use, college debt, and financial markets. TI-84 Graphing calculators required.
440 Personal Finance: College Preparatory I
Grades: 10 -12 | Term Block | Credits: ½
Students appropriate for this course have successful completion of Algebra I Part 1 and Part 2 and Geometry Part 1 and Part 2.
Personal Finance describes the principles and methods that individuals use to manage income and financial obligations. Personal finance reflects the growing need for 21st-century citizens to be financially knowledgeable, particularly in light of the increasing number of financial choices they face. It includes the application of knowledge and skills used to make financial decisions on many topic including but not limited to budgeting, income taxes, banking, investing, and student and consumer loans.
441 Building & Protecting Wealth: College Preparatory I
Grades: 11 -12 | Term Block | Credits: ½
Students appropriate for this course have successful completion of Algebra I Part 1 and Part 2 and Geometry Part 1 and Part 2.
Financial Literacy is the ability to use knowledge and skills to manage one's financial resources effectively for lifetime financial security. This course will prepare students for the choices and challenges of today's financial markets. A better understanding of financial literacy will help students advance by making more informed monetary decisions and realizing a greater potential for personal wealth. This is a project based class that will focus on money management, credit, investing, real estate, consumer protection, and risk management. Scientific calculators are required.
456/456H Math in the Media: College Preparatory I or Honors
Grades: 11 - 12 | Term Block | Credits: ½
In this course, students will study the application of mathematics to real-life situations and experiences both locally and globally. Students will integrate the use of podcasts (listening to and creating) to share their explorations of math beyond the classroom.
634 Data Science **CSE Elective & GCP Elective
Grades: 10 - 12 | Term | Credits: 1/2
This course equips students with the essential skills of a data scientist which include data collection, cleanup, transformation, analysis, and visualization. Students will develop algorithms, tell data stories, and build statistical models using Python libraries. They will learn and apply Python programming tools used in industry by data scientists to draw meaningful insights and solve organizational problems. Students will be given opportunities to explore data in their own areas of interest, such as climate change, sports, finance, social media, health and wellness to name a few. Students will publicly present their work in a variety of formats.
This course counts as partial fulfillment of the HHS Computer Science Endorsement.
*This course counts as partial fulfillment of the HHS Global Citizens Program
*The following course contains opportunities for passport activities and, on an individual basis, MAY qualify for course credit toward GCP requirements. This will depend on content chosen by student within the course AND pre-approval from course teacher and Mrs. Mills
Business Course Offerings
- 457 Hospitality and Tourism
- 610 Introduction to Business: College Preparatory I
- 613 Business Innovation *GCP Elective
- 614 Accounting: College Preparatory I
- 621 Entrepreneurship and Marketing: College Preparatory **CSE Elective
- 624 AP® Microeconomics**GCP Elective
457 Hospitality and Tourism
Grades: 11 - 12 / Term / Credits: 1/2
This course invites students to share unique enthusiasm & passion around the Hospitality & Tourism Industry. This class will prepare students to advance their interest in a hospitality career by offering a foundation of knowledge, array of careers available within the industry and strategies around operations management. This class also helps prepare any students interested in participating in our DECA program within this specific category. Course content will include a day in the life, corporate profiles, current Issues, case studies and a capstone community based design thinking project. There are no prerequisites for this course.
610 Introduction to Business: College Preparatory I
Grades: 10 -12 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
A great overture to the corporate world -Students explore the many facets of business while preparing for future opportunities. This course combines strong content with interactive business technology to keep student interest and support active learning. Topics include: advertising, the stock market, economics, consumerism, management, sales and marketing, finance, credit, risk management, and more. Strong emphasis is placed on instilling social responsibility and business ethics into each learning activity.
613 Business Innovation *GCP Elective
Grades: 11 - 12 | Term Block | Credits: ½
In this class, students will have an opportunity to have a voice and choice when it comes to their learning using design thinking concepts. They will learn in-depth how design thinking directly relates to the business world and will work on several different projects to effectively execute the DT process. Students will learn the value of prototyping and testing out ideas in order to provide solutions to proposed community and global problems. All projects will be grounded in research, critical thinking, problem-solving, and presenting. Concepts will be driven by real-world issues, collaboration, curiosity, and fun. This will be a hands-on project, driven class.
*This course counts as partial fulfillment of the HHS Global Citizens Program
*The following course contains opportunities for passport activities and, on an individual basis, MAY qualify for course credit toward GCP requirements. This will depend on content chosen by student within the course AND pre-approval from course teacher and Mrs. Mills
614 Accounting: College Preparatory I
Grades: 10 -12 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
Accounting is literally the language of Business and the elective of choice even for students who might not pursue accounting or finance. Students get a big head start on financial accounting, which is a requirement for all business majors. Students will learn the accounting cycle through techniques such as the development of the double-entry accounting system covering a complete accounting cycle and investigation of the techniques involved in preparation and interpreting financial reports. Current automated accounting software will be integrated with each concept. Students should be able to understand logical process and work independently on short and long-term projects.
This course satisfies a Mathematics elective requirement.
621 Entrepreneurship and Marketing: College Preparatory **CSE Elective
Grades: 11 -12 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
Generate wealth, start your own business and be your own boss. This class combines a variety of skills needed to establish and operate a successful business for profit or non-profit. Emphasis is placed on opportunity recognition and the functions of marketing, product planning, financing, risk management and promotion. Entrepreneurship will guide students through the process of creating and implementing a successful business plan. Students will develop an enterprise and use the skills needed to effectively create, develop, organize, and manage their own business ventures.
This course counts as partial fulfillment of the HHS Computer Science Endorsement.
624 AP® Microeconomics**GCP Elective
Grades: 10 – 12 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
Economics is the foundation that impacts the success of business and the consumer. The Advanced Placement Microeconomics course is designed to meet the criteria established by the College Entrance Examination Board; with the understanding that students will be fully prepared for the Advanced Placement Exam. Emphasis will be placed on the nature and functions of product markets and includes the study of factor markets and of the role of government in promoting greater efficiency and equity in the economy.
*This course counts as partial fulfillment of the HHS Global Citizens Program