10131 English as a Second Language I

Grade: 9-12  |  1 Term  |  Credits: ½                                 

Proficiency Levels: 1-2

This course is designed for the newcomer student who has little or no proficiency in English.  It focuses on the four domains of communication: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.  The sound/ symbol alphabetic system will be taught through developmentally appropriate materials for the secondary level.  A combination of fiction and nonfiction will be studied.  Grammar, syntax, and vocabulary development will be explicitly taught and practiced in both spoken and written communication.  American culture and history will be incorporated throughout the course.

10132 English as a Second Language II

Grade: 9-12  |  1 Term  |  Credits: ½ 

Proficiency Levels: 2-3

This course is designed for the beginner to intermediate level English language learner (ELL).  It will continue the development of English for academic and social communication in all four language domains.  American culture and history will be incorporated throughout the course.

10133 English as a Second Language III

Grade: 12  |  1 Term  |  Credits: ½                                             

Proficiency Levels: 3-4

This course is designed for the intermediate to high intermediate English language learner (ELL).  It will continue the development of English for academic and social communication in all four language domains.  The development of reading and writing fluency will be a major focus of this course.  American culture and history will be incorporated throughout the course.

10134 English as a Second Language IV

Grade: 12  |  1 Term  |  Credits: ½                                                 

Proficiency Levels: 4-5

This course is designed for the high intermediate to transitioning English language learner (ELL).  It will continue the development of English for academic and social communication in all four language domains.  The development of reading and writing fluency will be a major focus of this course as students will be expected to do oral presentations as well as written compositions as they prepare for transitioning out of ESL.  American culture and history will be incorporated throughout the course.