English (Under Construction)

Curriculum Description

The English core curriculum consists of a freshman and sophomore program emphasizing writing techniques, reading with a focus on literature study, and elements of fiction and nonfiction, vocabulary development and enrichment, study techniques, creative thinking; and a junior and senior program emphasizing a more world-wide selection of literature, as well as continued composition development.

The main objective of these courses is to enable students to achieve the proficiency levels targeted in The Massachusetts English Language Arts Curriculum Frameworks, as well as to meet the criteria put forth in our own 21st Century Learning Expectations. Coursework in all English classes is focused upon the Essential Questions and Enduring Understandings targeted in the UbD curriculum documents for each course and level.

In the current program, grades 9, 10 and 11 are considered foundation years, regardless of students year of enrollment, in which students are expected to develop the basic reading and writing skills necessary for success in the various courses in grade 12. For this reason, students must take the core course in grades 9 through 11, but may choose additional electives to develop a special interest or skill. Before moving to subsequent year’s English course, students must have achieved credit for the prior year’s course. In other words, English 9, 10 or 11 cannot be taken concurrently.

Summer reading lists will be announced in the spring through classroom teachers, the Principal’s Newsletter, and may be found on the school’s Website.

Core English courses are defined as those taught on-site by Holliston High School’s English Department, as indicated in the English Department offerings. Outside classes, such as TEC Online or other off-site classes, are not counted as core courses unless endorsed by the principal.

Academic Characteristics by Level
Students who take courses at this level will continue to build on a strong foundation of content and skills.  These classes will spend a substantial amount of time diligently applying advanced concepts and skills at an intensive pace.  Students are expected to analyze and synthesize content independently with limited teacher-directed support. Outside class work is designed to elevate the curriculum and provide the development of skills needed to balance both short and long-term assignments throughout the course. Students should possess strong organizational skills needed to advance both short and long-term assignments. 
College Preparatory I

Students who take courses at this level have strong academic skills.  These classes are move at a rapid pace, are rigorous,  and require a consistent effort for students to be able to achieve at the highest level.  Class time will be spent on on working on advanced content and skills.  Students are expected to analyze and synthesize content independently with limited teacher-directed support.  Outside class work is designed to advance the curriculum and provide the development of skills needed to advance both short and long-term assignments throughout the course. 

College Preparatory II
Students who take courses at this level will continue to build on a strong foundation of content and skills.  These courses are rigorous and require consistent effort and production for students  to be able to achieve at the highest level. Class time will be spent on mastery of core content and skills with some exposure to advanced  content and skills.   Students are expected to analyze and synthesize content independently with limited teacher-directed support.  Outside class work is designed to advance the curriculum and provide the development of skills needed to advance both short and long-term assignments throughout the course.