English (Under Construction)
Curriculum Description
The English core curriculum consists of a freshman and sophomore program emphasizing writing techniques, reading with a focus on literature study, and elements of fiction and nonfiction, vocabulary development and enrichment, study techniques, creative thinking; and a junior and senior program emphasizing a more world-wide selection of literature, as well as continued composition development.
The main objective of these courses is to enable students to achieve the proficiency levels targeted in The Massachusetts English Language Arts Curriculum Frameworks, as well as to meet the criteria put forth in our own 21st Century Learning Expectations. Coursework in all English classes is focused upon the Essential Questions and Enduring Understandings targeted in the UbD curriculum documents for each course and level.
In the current program, grades 9, 10 and 11 are considered foundation years, regardless of students year of enrollment, in which students are expected to develop the basic reading and writing skills necessary for success in the various courses in grade 12. For this reason, students must take the core course in grades 9 through 11, but may choose additional electives to develop a special interest or skill. Before moving to subsequent year’s English course, students must have achieved credit for the prior year’s course. In other words, English 9, 10 or 11 cannot be taken concurrently.
Summer reading lists will be announced in the spring through classroom teachers, the Principal’s Newsletter, and may be found on the school’s Website.
Core English courses are defined as those taught on-site by Holliston High School’s English Department, as indicated in the English Department offerings. Outside classes, such as TEC Online or other off-site classes, are not counted as core courses unless endorsed by the principal.
Academic Characteristics by Level
College Preparatory I
Students who take courses at this level have strong academic skills. These classes are move at a rapid pace, are rigorous, and require a consistent effort for students to be able to achieve at the highest level. Class time will be spent on on working on advanced content and skills. Students are expected to analyze and synthesize content independently with limited teacher-directed support. Outside class work is designed to advance the curriculum and provide the development of skills needed to advance both short and long-term assignments throughout the course.
College Preparatory II
All English Courses
English 9 Programs
- 100 English 9 College Preparatory II
- 102 English 9 College Preparatory I
- 104 English 9 Honors
- 111 Essay Writing: College Preparatory I
100 English 9 College Preparatory II
Grades: 9 | 3 Terms | Credits: 1½
English College Preparatory II is designed for students to be challenged to strengthen their inferential reasoning and critical essay writing abilities. There will be nightly homework assignments in which students can expect to be assigned readings with accompanying short writing assignments. Students can also expect to complete formal writing assignments, share work with the class on a regular basis, and work cooperatively on group presentations to the class.
The focus for Grade 9 English is the study of literature by genre: short story, drama, poetry, nonfiction essay, and novels. The focus in writing is on composing of the paragraph, essay, and short research paper, although aspects of imaginative writing will also be addressed. Speaking, listening, essentials of grammar, mechanics and usage, and study skills are other components of the foundation curriculum in all grade 9 English classes.
102 English 9 College Preparatory I
Grades: 9 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
This course will challenge students to strengthen their inferential reasoning and critical essay writing abilities. There will be a substantial amount of nightly homework. Students can expect to be assigned readings with accompanying writing assignments. Students can also expect to complete several formal writing assignments, present material to the class on a regular basis, and be responsible for independently interpreting outside reading materials.
The focus for Grade 9 English is the study of literature by genre: short story, drama, poetry, nonfiction essay, and novels. The focus in writing is on composing of the paragraph, essay, and short research paper, although aspects of imaginative writing will also be addressed. Speaking, listening, essentials of grammar, mechanics, and usage, and study skills are other components of the foundation curriculum in all grade 9 English classes.
104 English 9 Honors
Grades: 9 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
The pace of this class is very rigorous and will significantly challenge students to strengthen their inferential reasoning and critical essay writing abilities. There will be a substantial amount of nightly homework. Students can expect to be assigned daily readings with accompanying writing assignments. Students can also expect to complete several formal writing assignments, present material to the class on a regular basis, and be responsible for independently interpreting outside reading selections.
The focus for Grade 9 English is the study of literature by genre: short story, drama, poetry, nonfiction essay, and novels. The focus in writing is on composing of the paragraph, essay, and short research paper, although aspects of imaginative writing will also be addressed. Speaking, listening, essentials of grammar, mechanics and usage, and study skills are other components of the foundation curriculum in all grade 9 English classes.
111 Essay Writing: College Preparatory I
Grades: 9-10 | Term Block | Credits: ½
This course fulfills the essay requirement for graduation. It is designed to address the specific skills necessary to progress toward mastery in essay writing. This course will focus on literary analysis essays, poetry explication, and resourced essays. Students will become familiar with strategies to address Grade 10 standardized testing essay prompts, Open Response Questions and the Long Composition Essay. The emphasis will be on encouraging student writers to develop their ideas in further depth and complexity. Students will be expected to complete numerous practice essays and several final draft essays. Final evaluation in the course will be determined in part by progress and growth in writing skills. This course is a graduation requirement for all students.
English 10 Programs
- 108 English 10 College Preparatory I
- 109 English 10 Language: College Preparatory II
- 110 English 10 Honors
108 English 10 College Preparatory I
Grades: 10 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
This course will challenge students to strengthen their inferential reasoning and critical essay writing abilities. The focus of English 10 is American Literature as it has evolved from the Natives and founders of America to the variety of present-day authors. Students will be exposed to many of the readings and writings that have shaped American culture. Enduring Understanding: by the end of this course students should be able to fluently discuss the development of, and transitions among, the major artistic and philosophical movements of American literary history. The emphasis will be on accurate comprehension of content as well as clear understanding of an author’s purpose, voice, point of view, tone, and style. Major emphasis will be placed on the development of the essay. Requirements include class discussion, short critical papers, essays, tests, quizzes, vocabulary, and nightly reading and notes.
109 English 10 Language: College Preparatory II
Grades: 10 | 2 Terms Block | Credits: 1
This course will focus on shorter, more modern literature and nonfiction. The curriculum will be structured around related universal themes. Writing will include literary analysis, but will emphasize writing for a variety of purposes and communicating effectively.
110 English 10 Honors
Grades: 10 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
Students appropriate for this course have received a teacher recommendation or a minimum of “B+” in #104-English 9: Honors or “A-“ in #102-English 9: College Preparatory I
The pace of this course is rigorous and involves a significant amount of nightly reading and homework.
The focus of English 10 is American Literature as it has evolved from the Natives and founders of America to the variety of present-day authors.
Students will be exposed to many of the readings and writings that have shaped American culture. Enduring Understanding: by the end of this course students should be able to fluently discuss the development of, and transitions among, the major artistic and philosophical movements of American literary history. The emphasis will be on accurate comprehension of content as well as clear understanding of an author’s purpose, voice, point of view, tone, and style. Major emphasis will be placed on the development of the essay. Requirements include class discussion, short critical papers, essays, tests, quizzes, vocabulary, and nightly reading and notes.
English 11 Programs
- 125 English 11: College Preparatory I
- 127 English 11: Honors
- 149 AP® English Language and Composition
- 167 Contemporary Literature: College Preparatory
125 English 11: College Preparatory I
Grades: 11 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
This course will challenge students to strengthen their inferential reasoning and critical essay writing abilities. There will be a substantial amount of nightly homework. Students can expect to be assigned readings with accompanying writing assignments. Students can also expect to complete several formal writing assignments, present material to the class on a regular basis, and be responsible for independently interpreting outside reading materials.
Students will read an overview of World Literature with a focus on The Hero's Journey with coverage of a variety genres, prose, and poetry. Students will write literary essays, engage in a creative writing project, and make oral presentations. Students continue their study of analytical writing, developing sophistication of ideas, structure, and style.
127 English 11: Honors
Grades: 11 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
Students appropriate for this course have received a teacher recommendation or a minimum of “B+” in #110-English 10: Honors or “A-“ in #108-English 10: College Preparatory I
The pace of this class is very rigorous, assuming a strong grasp of literary term and critical skills, and will significantly challenge students to strengthen their inferential reasoning and critical essay writing abilities. There will be a substantial amount of nightly homework. Students can expect to be assigned daily readings with accompanying writing assignments. Students can also expect to complete several formal writing assignments, present material to the class on a regular basis, and be responsible for independently interpreting outside reading materials.
Students will read an overview of World Literature with a focus on The Hero's Journey with coverage of a variety genres, prose, and poetry. Students will write literary essays, engage in a creative writing project, and make oral presentations. Students continue their study of analytical writing, developing sophistication of ideas, structure, and style.
149 AP® English Language and Composition
Grades: 11-12 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
An AP® course in English Language and Composition engages students in becoming skilled readers of prose written in various rhetorical contexts and in becoming skilled writers who compose for various purposes. Both their writing and their reading should make students aware of the interactions among a writer’s purposes, audience expectations, and subjects, as well as the way genre conventions and the resources of language contribute to effectiveness in writing. (source collegeboard.org)
167 Contemporary Literature: College Preparatory
Grades: 11-12 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
This course combines a general survey of works of the past thirty years with writing skill development needed by students after they graduate from high school. The literature of the course emphasizes novels that explore the issue of making decisions and finding purpose. Students will investigate this topic with greater depth and focus through a variety of assignments that are critical and/or creative. The student will continue to improve essay-writing skills through logical and coherent development of ideas. Requirements include nightly reading, class discussion, written responses, and critical papers.
English 12 Programs
- 148 AP® English Literature & Composition
- 129 English 12 College Preparatory I
- 129H English 12 Honors
- 167 Contemporary Literature: College Preparatory
148 AP® English Literature & Composition
Grades: 12 | Three Term Block | Credits: 1½
Students appropriate for this course have received a teacher recommendation or a minimum grade of “B+” in English 11 Honors or AP Language and Composition (Grade 11).
This intensive study of different literary genres, types of criticism, literary language, and the elements of fiction prepares students for college level work by exposing them to college level readings and teaching them the skills of literary criticism. Several classics and modern works will be studied in depth, while outside reading projects will reflect students’ individual interests. Students will be expected to take the AP® Examination in May for college placement and/or credit.
129 English 12 College Preparatory I
Grades:12 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
English 12 addresses our Program Level Enduring Understanding that “In this course of studies, we will endeavor to understand people. What we hope to see in the end, is those universal human concerns, manifest in both positive and negative human traits, which bind us together rather than separate us.
With the overarching goal of Global Awareness, students will have access to a range of texts diverse in geography, time period, topic/subject, and style/genre (novels, plays, short stories). In preparing students for the world outside of HHS, exposure to different types of literature will, hopefully, promote reading beyond high school and prepare students for the different types of reading and experiences they may encounter outside of high school. Included are unlimited options for literature circles, both as separate units and/or within thematic units, in order to preserve and enhance student choice.
Students will be expected to read approximately 20-25 pages per night. Unit Assessments will be primarily essay-based, while daily work in all levels will range from shorter writings, to research, to group presentations.
129H English 12 Honors
Grades:12 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
English 12 addresses our Program Level Enduring Understanding that “In this course of studies, we will endeavor to understand people. What we hope to see in the end, is those universal human concerns, manifest in both positive and negative human traits, which bind us together rather than separate us.
With the overarching goal of Global Awareness, students will have access to a range of texts diverse in geography, time period, topic/subject, and style/genre (novels, plays, short stories). In preparing students for the world outside of HHS, exposure to different types of literature will, hopefully, promote reading beyond high school and prepare students for the different types of reading and experiences they may encounter outside of high school. Included are unlimited options for literature circles, both as separate units and/or within thematic units, in order to preserve and enhance student choice.
Students will be expected to read approximately 35-40 pages per night. Unit Assessments will be primarily essay-based, while daily work in all levels will range from shorter writings, to research, to group presentations.
167 Contemporary Literature: College Preparatory
Grades: 11-12 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
This course combines a general survey of works of the past thirty years with writing skill development needed by students after they graduate from high school. The literature of the course emphasizes novels that explore the issue of making decisions and finding purpose. Students will investigate this topic with greater depth and focus through a variety of assignments that are critical and/or creative. The student will continue to improve essay-writing skills through logical and coherent development of ideas. Requirements include nightly reading, class discussion, written responses, and critical papers.
English 9 Courses
English 9 Programs
- 100 English 9 College Preparatory II
- 102 English 9 College Preparatory I
- 104 English 9 Honors
- 111 Essay Writing: College Preparatory I
100 English 9 College Preparatory II
Grades: 9 | 3 Terms | Credits: 1½
English College Preparatory II is designed for students to be challenged to strengthen their inferential reasoning and critical essay writing abilities. There will be nightly homework assignments in which students can expect to be assigned readings with accompanying short writing assignments. Students can also expect to complete formal writing assignments, share work with the class on a regular basis, and work cooperatively on group presentations to the class.
The focus for Grade 9 English is the study of literature by genre: short story, drama, poetry, nonfiction essay, and novels. The focus in writing is on composing of the paragraph, essay, and short research paper, although aspects of imaginative writing will also be addressed. Speaking, listening, essentials of grammar, mechanics and usage, and study skills are other components of the foundation curriculum in all grade 9 English classes.
102 English 9 College Preparatory I
Grades: 9 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
This course will challenge students to strengthen their inferential reasoning and critical essay writing abilities. There will be a substantial amount of nightly homework. Students can expect to be assigned readings with accompanying writing assignments. Students can also expect to complete several formal writing assignments, present material to the class on a regular basis, and be responsible for independently interpreting outside reading materials.
The focus for Grade 9 English is the study of literature by genre: short story, drama, poetry, nonfiction essay, and novels. The focus in writing is on composing of the paragraph, essay, and short research paper, although aspects of imaginative writing will also be addressed. Speaking, listening, essentials of grammar, mechanics, and usage, and study skills are other components of the foundation curriculum in all grade 9 English classes.
104 English 9 Honors
Grades: 9 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
The pace of this class is very rigorous and will significantly challenge students to strengthen their inferential reasoning and critical essay writing abilities. There will be a substantial amount of nightly homework. Students can expect to be assigned daily readings with accompanying writing assignments. Students can also expect to complete several formal writing assignments, present material to the class on a regular basis, and be responsible for independently interpreting outside reading selections.
The focus for Grade 9 English is the study of literature by genre: short story, drama, poetry, nonfiction essay, and novels. The focus in writing is on composing of the paragraph, essay, and short research paper, although aspects of imaginative writing will also be addressed. Speaking, listening, essentials of grammar, mechanics and usage, and study skills are other components of the foundation curriculum in all grade 9 English classes.
111 Essay Writing: College Preparatory I
Grades: 9-10 | Term Block | Credits: ½
This course fulfills the essay requirement for graduation. It is designed to address the specific skills necessary to progress toward mastery in essay writing. This course will focus on literary analysis essays, poetry explication, and resourced essays. Students will become familiar with strategies to address Grade 10 standardized testing essay prompts, Open Response Questions and the Long Composition Essay. The emphasis will be on encouraging student writers to develop their ideas in further depth and complexity. Students will be expected to complete numerous practice essays and several final draft essays. Final evaluation in the course will be determined in part by progress and growth in writing skills. This course is a graduation requirement for all students.
English 10 Courses
English 10 Programs
- 109 English 10 Language: College Preparatory II
- 108 English 10 College Preparatory I
- 110 English 10 Honors
109 English 10 Language: College Preparatory II
Grades: 10 | 2 Terms Block | Credits: 1
This course will focus on shorter, more modern literature and nonfiction. The curriculum will be structured around related universal themes. Writing will include literary analysis, but will emphasize writing for a variety of purposes and communicating effectively.
108 English 10 College Preparatory I
Grades: 10 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
This course will challenge students to strengthen their inferential reasoning and critical essay writing abilities. The focus of English 10 is American Literature as it has evolved from the Natives and founders of America to the variety of present-day authors. Students will be exposed to many of the readings and writings that have shaped American culture. Enduring Understanding: by the end of this course students should be able to fluently discuss the development of, and transitions among, the major artistic and philosophical movements of American literary history. The emphasis will be on accurate comprehension of content as well as clear understanding of an author’s purpose, voice, point of view, tone, and style. Major emphasis will be placed on the development of the essay. Requirements include class discussion, short critical papers, essays, tests, quizzes, vocabulary, and nightly reading and notes.
110 English 10 Honors
Grades: 10 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
Students appropriate for this course have received a teacher recommendation or a minimum of “B+” in #104-English 9: Honors or “A-“ in #102-English 9: College Preparatory I
The pace of this course is rigorous and involves a significant amount of nightly reading and homework.
The focus of English 10 is American Literature as it has evolved from the Natives and founders of America to the variety of present-day authors.
Students will be exposed to many of the readings and writings that have shaped American culture. Enduring Understanding: by the end of this course students should be able to fluently discuss the development of, and transitions among, the major artistic and philosophical movements of American literary history. The emphasis will be on accurate comprehension of content as well as clear understanding of an author’s purpose, voice, point of view, tone, and style. Major emphasis will be placed on the development of the essay. Requirements include class discussion, short critical papers, essays, tests, quizzes, vocabulary, and nightly reading and notes.
English 11 Courses
English 11 Programs
- 125 English 11: College Preparatory I
- 127 English 11: Honors
- 149 AP® English Language and Composition
- 167 Contemporary Literature: College Preparatory
125 English 11: College Preparatory I
Grades: 11 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
This course will challenge students to strengthen their inferential reasoning and critical essay writing abilities. There will be a substantial amount of nightly homework. Students can expect to be assigned readings with accompanying writing assignments. Students can also expect to complete several formal writing assignments, present material to the class on a regular basis, and be responsible for independently interpreting outside reading materials.
Students will read an overview of World Literature with a focus on The Hero's Journey with coverage of a variety genres, prose, and poetry. Students will write literary essays, engage in a creative writing project, and make oral presentations. Students continue their study of analytical writing, developing sophistication of ideas, structure, and style.
127 English 11: Honors
Grades: 11 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
Students appropriate for this course have received a teacher recommendation or a minimum of “B+” in #110-English 10: Honors or “A-“ in #108-English 10: College Preparatory I
The pace of this class is very rigorous, assuming a strong grasp of literary term and critical skills, and will significantly challenge students to strengthen their inferential reasoning and critical essay writing abilities. There will be a substantial amount of nightly homework. Students can expect to be assigned daily readings with accompanying writing assignments. Students can also expect to complete several formal writing assignments, present material to the class on a regular basis, and be responsible for independently interpreting outside reading materials.
Students will read an overview of World Literature with a focus on The Hero's Journey with coverage of a variety genres, prose, and poetry. Students will write literary essays, engage in a creative writing project, and make oral presentations. Students continue their study of analytical writing, developing sophistication of ideas, structure, and style.
149 AP® English Language and Composition
Grades: 11-12 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
An AP® course in English Language and Composition engages students in becoming skilled readers of prose written in various rhetorical contexts and in becoming skilled writers who compose for various purposes. Both their writing and their reading should make students aware of the interactions among a writer’s purposes, audience expectations, and subjects, as well as the way genre conventions and the resources of language contribute to effectiveness in writing. (source collegeboard.org)
167 Contemporary Literature: College Preparatory
Grades: 11-12 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
This course combines a general survey of works of the past thirty years with writing skill development needed by students after they graduate from high school. The literature of the course emphasizes novels that explore the issue of making decisions and finding purpose. Students will investigate this topic with greater depth and focus through a variety of assignments that are critical and/or creative. The student will continue to improve essay-writing skills through logical and coherent development of ideas. Requirements include nightly reading, class discussion, written responses, and critical papers.
English 12 Courses
English 12 Programs
- 129 English 12 College Preparatory I
- 129H English 12 Honors
- 148 AP® English Literature & Composition
- 167 Contemporary Literature: College Preparatory
129 English 12 College Preparatory I
Grades:12 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
English 12 addresses our Program Level Enduring Understanding that “In this course of studies, we will endeavor to understand people. What we hope to see in the end, is those universal human concerns, manifest in both positive and negative human traits, which bind us together rather than separate us.
With the overarching goal of Global Awareness, students will have access to a range of texts diverse in geography, time period, topic/subject, and style/genre (novels, plays, short stories). In preparing students for the world outside of HHS, exposure to different types of literature will, hopefully, promote reading beyond high school and prepare students for the different types of reading and experiences they may encounter outside of high school. Included are unlimited options for literature circles, both as separate units and/or within thematic units, in order to preserve and enhance student choice.
Students will be expected to read approximately 20-25 pages per night. Unit Assessments will be primarily essay-based, while daily work in all levels will range from shorter writings, to research, to group presentations.
129H English 12 Honors
Grades:12 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
English 12 addresses our Program Level Enduring Understanding that “In this course of studies, we will endeavor to understand people. What we hope to see in the end, is those universal human concerns, manifest in both positive and negative human traits, which bind us together rather than separate us.
With the overarching goal of Global Awareness, students will have access to a range of texts diverse in geography, time period, topic/subject, and style/genre (novels, plays, short stories). In preparing students for the world outside of HHS, exposure to different types of literature will, hopefully, promote reading beyond high school and prepare students for the different types of reading and experiences they may encounter outside of high school. Included are unlimited options for literature circles, both as separate units and/or within thematic units, in order to preserve and enhance student choice.
Students will be expected to read approximately 35-40 pages per night. Unit Assessments will be primarily essay-based, while daily work in all levels will range from shorter writings, to research, to group presentations.
148 AP® English Literature & Composition
Grades: 12 | Three Term Block | Credits: 1½
Students appropriate for this course have received a teacher recommendation or a minimum grade of “B+” in English 11 Honors or AP Language and Composition (Grade 11).
This intensive study of different literary genres, types of criticism, literary language, and the elements of fiction prepares students for college level work by exposing them to college level readings and teaching them the skills of literary criticism. Several classics and modern works will be studied in depth, while outside reading projects will reflect students’ individual interests. Students will be expected to take the AP® Examination in May for college placement and/or credit.
167 Contemporary Literature: College Preparatory
Grades: 11-12 | Semester Block | Credits: 1
This course combines a general survey of works of the past thirty years with writing skill development needed by students after they graduate from high school. The literature of the course emphasizes novels that explore the issue of making decisions and finding purpose. Students will investigate this topic with greater depth and focus through a variety of assignments that are critical and/or creative. The student will continue to improve essay-writing skills through logical and coherent development of ideas. Requirements include nightly reading, class discussion, written responses, and critical papers.