Core Values , Beliefs & 21st Century Expectations

Core Values

Responsible, Resourceful and Reflective Citizens in a Collaborative Environment.


The Holliston High School community believes our students should…

  • be persistent life-long learners

  • be independent thinkers

  • develop healthy lifestyles and make appropriate decisions

  • develop deep and enduring academic understandings

  • be exposed to a variety of intellectual and cultural experiences

  • appreciate the fine and performing arts

  • effectively and appropriately utilize technology

21st Century Learning Expectations

Our goal is that Holliston High School students will…


  • write effectively

  • read critically

  • speak with clarity

  • apply reasoning and problem-solving skills

  • collaborate with others

  • practice respect for self and others in various environments

  • cooperate with others in and out of the classroom

  • be responsible and contributing members of their communities